The Hearts of Watchung, led by Cindy Homer, is a group of tremendously caring and generous individuals who donate to families of need throughout the year. Family and Community Services is so fortunate to have this group to donate a multitude of gifts to a tremendous number of its’ lower income families particularly during the Holiday season. This group donates to the clients of several non-profit agencies that serve low income and at risk families.
A couple of weeks ago our full-time Spanish speaking counselor contacted Cindy Homer about one of her families who moved into the neighborhood in the past year and who could barely afford basic needs. This is a single parent family with 5 children who have been subjected to domestic violence in the past.
Cindy and the Hearts of Watchung asked for a needs list for all the family members and last week a tremendous number of brand new gifts, games, books, household needs ,and gift cards (for food and for fans for their apartment) were delivered to the family by Cindy; her children Wade, Jordan, and Harrison; and two F@CS staff. The people of the Hearts of Watchung went way beyond the definition of generosity. It was truly an amazing scene watching the excitement and happiness of the children as well as the appreciation of their mother as they received this tremendous volume of gifts.
Family and Community Services and so many of its’ clients and families of great need are so appreciative of this collaborative relationship with these exceedingly caring group of people!
Note: Due to confidentiality we were unable to take pictures of the family.