Take Care of Yourself During These Difficult Times – A Checklist To Help You

COVID – 19 and Mental Health Checklist

____ Call or video chat with friends and/or family

____ ZOOM meal or meeting with friends and/or family

____ Speak with someone I haven’t spoken to in long time

____ Relaxation/Breathing exercises; meditation, yoga

____ Indoor physical exercise; workout; virtual workouts

____ Outdoor exercise – walk, hike, run, bicycle (wear mask, social distance)

____ Outdoor get together friends or family (backyard, large porch with proper distancing, masks)

____ Long Car Ride

____ Enjoyable and distracting activities:  ___Reading __ Listening to music ___ Dancing/Singing ___ Art/Painting ___Gardening/Planting ____Play instrument ____ Puzzles/Games ___ Other

____ Watch movies or shows I missed

____ New project (s)

____ Comic Relief i.e. watch funny show, YouTube or Netflix comedians, read joke book)

____ Take a nap, rest

____ Reminisce – watch family videos, look at albums

____ Clean the ______;   Organize the _______

____ Help someone; make a charitable contribution or gesture

____ Journal, establish a gratitude document

____ Eat healthy

____ Remind self of positive attributes

____ Treat partner, children, others with respect; let them know the things you appreciate about them

Add others as you see fit.

Limit: Watching or reading news; substance use; compulsive (comfort) eating; compulsive shopping

Try to do at least 3-5 of these depending on circumstances